All work and no play

Friday, 30 September 2011

I have so much work to do, and I don’t know where to start with any of it, why do all the teachers give it to you at the same time? So many deadlines coming up! Oh well, at least it should make the next three weeks speed up a bit so that I’m with Scott sooner…

I’m so looking forward to spending some time with Scott, I really miss him. I miss having cuddles, and being able to kiss whenever we want. I just want to spend some time together. So many things are getting in the way at the moment that we don’t get to talk like we were, and I really enjoy talking loads (not as much as I enjoy spending time together) but we're both so busy… I’m going to have to put something on hold so we can talk more again….

Anyways back to my business studies work again.

Love, Stacey xxxxx

I want to sleep…

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

This won’t be a long post because I’m tired and starting to feel really ill again.

Not a lot has happened today because I stayed home feeling ill, I got some media work done, wrote quite a bit for my poetry blog – the traffic to it has been crazy today when I last looked it was at 80 hits!

I got to watch Lord Sugar’s twitter signing of his new book, I tried to get a free signed book, but didn’t so my Dad ordered me a signed copy! Can’t wait till it arrives there is only 250 signed copies.

Not a lot else to say

Love Stacey xxxx

So ill…

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

I’ve been feeling so ill today, all I’ve wanted to do is sleep. I’m going to try have an early night.

I ended up only having one lesson at college today because I couldn’t concentrate, my temperature was going crazy and I felt really faint. So half way through the day I went home.

If I still feel ill tomorrow I might take the day off because I only have one lesson and that’s ICT and I can do the work from home. So I could get away with taking some time to rest.

Because I’ve been ill I haven’t really done a lot today, hopefully I’ll have more energy tomorrow!

I need to write this pretty quick because I want to phone Scott and cheer him up before I go to sleep.

Love, Stacey xxx

Bad day!

Monday, 26 September 2011

Today can only be described as a disaster. Yes a disaster.

I had to cycle to work in the rain, nearly got killed by a car coming the wrong way down a one way street.

I’ve pretty much spent the rest of my day at college in a complete daze – I haven't been able to focus on anything at all. So this evening I’ve had to write loads of notes that I was meant to do in my lessons – I’m behind on my media work already, just hoping Jake finished our group presentation for media tomorrow.

So annoyed that my cold has come back – I guess I’ll be going back to just having a few hours of sleep a night. Not really what I need when I’m at college all week, work all weekend and then college all weekend again! Not having a break for about 2 weeks.

I’m so looking forward to seeing Scott, with this cold at the moment I’m in a really cuddly mood and all I want to do is cuddle up with him and go to sleep – but I can’t. Just 3 weeks and 6 days until we’re together. I want to have another really long conversation with Scott like we did the other day but I’m so bogged down with all this work for college and trying to prove my tutor (who thinks I won’t get into uni) wrong, that it feels impossible to talk to him – whenever I have frees at college he has lessons, when he has frees I have lessons, when we’re both at home we have work to do, when we don’t have work to do one of us needs to go out – life is so difficult sometimes.

My website that I’ve been working on is really coming together now! I just need to come up with a couple more pages then I need to start marketing everything! I’m really looking forward to it all, and making a real go of it.

I have a really long day at college tomorrow – not looking forward to it. All in all it hasn’t been a good day. Hopefully tomorrow things will be better.

Love, Stacey xxx

Short but sweet

Sunday, 25 September 2011

I’ve been at work today so right now I feel really tired – Scott reminded me to write this just as I was about to say I was going to bed!

It was overly busy at work but it was busy enough that we weren’t bored, next week I’m working both Saturday and Sunday – I’m going to be dead although it does mean that I will be able to pick my wages up. I’ve had my holiday authorised so I will definitely be seeing Scott when I was hoping to, I really can’t wait it’s only 4 weeks!

I’m not looking forward to tomorrow because I have to bike to college and I feel really tired so I don’t really want to do it! At least I finish early tomorrow so I can get home and work on my website and getting it all ready!

Anyways I’m off to bed – hopefully something interesting will happen tomorrow

Love, Stacey xxx

Bit of an emotional day

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Today has been a really up and down day. I don’t know why but I’ve been getting upset really easily, one minute I’m really happy then next I’m really sad… But as always Scott has been there for me to pick up the pieces and to cheer me up. I’m so glad I have him, this next 4 weeks are going to feel tough because it feels like so long since we’ve seen each other and the time is just dragging, I want to spend some time with my boyfriend like everyone else can, I want to be able to cuddle up, to kiss, to be able to talk in person, the things we should be able to do without the distance. I MISS HIM, so much I can’t even explain. I’m really looking forward to our second holiday together and to my 18th. My 18th is going to be great because for today I’ll be able to fall asleep in his arms and be able to wake up next to him.

Right now I’m just relaxing in front of the XFactor – I love it, I’ve watched every series and I’ve always had a favourite from early on.

My day has been pretty much spent on the phone to talking to Scott and in front of the TV – I also wrote another poem which I’m quite proud of. I’m at work tomorrow and I feel so drained I don’t have a clue how I’ll get through the day.

Love, Stacey xxx

Such a good ending to the day

Friday, 23 September 2011

Today at college was a pretty average day in terms of college. I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. I started the day with Media, it went pretty well my group chose our song eventually it only took the whole lesson!

In my massive free I had a laugh with loads of people, spoke to Scott quite a bit, wrote a new poem and made some videos which I’ll edit and put on my youtube channel.

My last lesson was Business, I don’t know why but I really couldn’t focus. It really showed in the tests we did – I only scraped passes in them which is a lot lesson than I usually did.

I got home and spent 2 hours and 45 minutes talking to Scott on the phone, it was really nice because we haven’t been able to do it in so long with everything getting in the way. I really enjoyed just being able to talk without any interruptions – I feel bad now though because he got in trouble for it.

Over the weekend I’m going to work on my poetry and getting more videos on my poetry youtube channel I want to reach more people with my poems. I’m hoping to work towards getting some more likes on my facebook page too – I’ll probably have a busy day tomorrow then!

Love, Stacey xxx

Pretty Regular Day

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Today has been such a long day. I really didn’t want to leave my bed this morning either.

My first lesson was Business Studies – it was a usual lesson, we learnt quite a few new bits and pieces and me, Zoe, Jess and Craig all had quite a laugh through the lesson which made the time go quite quickly.

My last lesson of the day was ICT but I had to wait 4 and a half hours until that started because that was the last period of the day. So now on Thursdays and Fridays (when I also have this massive free) I’ve started taking my laptop to college so I can write some poems, play solitaire and do some college work. Me and Milly played on solitaire for nearly an hour trying to beat my top score, she did it in the end.

When my last lesson finally started I was half asleep, but I did get to walk to it with Zoe and Kirsty, plus Chris walked with us most of the way there, (Zoe and Chris came and spent about 20 minutes at the end of my massive free with me out of the blue which was nice and we had a bit of a laugh). It turned out our ICT workshop was on our lesson today which shortened our usual lesson down to an hour instead of an hour and a half.  It worked out pretty well because it meant I got home half an hour early!

Me and Scott are great, I’m really enjoying being in our relationship right now, there was a point when all we did was argue and it made things so hard but right now we can both enjoy being together because we don’t ever argue which is great! I love how we’re there for each other and I can’t wait to see him in just over 4 weeks. I tried booking the time off I need off from work today but I haven’t had a reply so I’m going to try my other boss.

My day other than that wasn’t pretty exciting – nothing out of the ordinary happened – just a regular day for me.

Love, Stacey xxxx

Pretty Chilled Out Day

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

I’ve spent quite a bit of time catching up on Dan’s blog ( I don’t read many blogs but I really think Dan’s blog is worth reading.

Anyways down to today, it’s been a pretty relaxed day today. I’ve only had one lesson in the whole day! That’s why I love Wednesdays. We started our coursework today, ICT coursework is great, I don’t know why I just really love it. I can’t wait to get going on it for this year as we have one massive project that lasts the whole year.

Once I got home I wrote a few new poems which are on my poetry blog, Then I had to head out to the doctors – I want to go on the pill – I had an appointment with the nurse but because they wrote down my appointment wrong I couldn’t actually get the pill prescribed to me. I need to make another appointment for Monday with a doctor. The overall appointment wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

I’m really proud of Scott with his football too. I’m so proud of how far he’s got with it, and how well he is doing. Sometimes it doesn’t go as well as he wants but he always puts everything he has into it and now he’s seeing some results of his efforts. I’m very proud of how far he’s come with it all!

Now I’m sat writing this, I’m planning on spending my evening writing some more poems and getting some more people looking at them and giving me feedback.

You might have noticed I’ve changed the layout on here – I like it like this, it’s more me!

Love, Stacey xxxx

Bit of a disaster…

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

My day started off as a bit of a disaster, well it felt worse than it was until now and I’m looking back on it!

My sister drove me to pick up my bike first thing so that I could bike to college once I got to my Dad’s work it turned out I have yet another puncture so my Dad had to give me a lift into college – I guess that was pretty good as it saved me cycling.

I had a free first thing at college, i spent it writing up some notes for Business Studies and then I ended up getting slightly distracted by playing solitaire on my laptop… BUT I did get some work done which never happens in my frees so I was rather proud of myself.

My first official lesson of the day was Business Studies, on Tuesdays we have our finance lessons I really love my business lessons and today wasn’t any different. I really understood everything and it’s great to not have to work crazily hard to make sure I actually understand something academic. I don’t think people really understand how hard it is for me to concentrate in class and to take things in (they thought I had a learning/ behavioural problem then I was younger) but I’ve finally found a subject I can really understand.

I then had another free – sometimes it feels like I have more frees than I have actual lessons! I just spent it messing around with people, talking and having a laugh.

Last lesson of the day was Media, we were meant to be listening to the tracks we were going to pick from to make our music video to for our coursework. We were half way through this when I got a text from Scott saying we were over. I got quite upset over it and turned my phone off for about 3 hours… It was a bit of a mistake because once I turned my phone back on it turns out it wasn’t Scott who sent the message but some of his mates from college as a joke that wasn’t very funny. We have sorted everything now and it’s back to ‘us’.

Just for you

The picture up there, is a poem I wrote for my boyfriend and I’ve decided to add it to my portfolio I’m hoping to record it and put it on my youtube channel!

Anyways I need to get down to doing some Business Studies homework.

Love, Stacey xxxx

It’s time to start a fresh…

Monday, 19 September 2011

Right so I’ve written a couple of blogs before but this one is going to be different, for a start I’m going to actually update it!

It’s going to have the real life stuff that happens in my daily life no secrets just the honest truth on how I’m feeling.

Tonight I started again with blogger, twitter and youtube – they had all become crammed with junk and the easiest way to clear them was to start a fresh.

So I’ll start with today.

I had a pretty good start to the day, I got given a lift into college which was great because cycling is so tiring at the moment, I have no idea why.

Once I got into college there wasn’t really anyone in first thing, it was only me and Matt we had a bit of a laugh and then it was off to first lesson, which for me on a Monday is ICT with Tom. It was great I got one of the highest in the class on the mini test 7/8 it was quite an improvement on what I was getting last year. The lesson was spent working on databases and improving our knowledge on some the theory of using access and databases. This year our college has started this thing where one of our three lessons is an hour instead of an hour and a half and the last half an hour is a workshop, today was our workshop day in ICT and because I was up to date with my work it meant I could leave early.

At break me, Stuart, Sam and Matt had a bit of a laugh talking about phones.

My second lesson and last real lesson of the day was Media Studies – I enjoy this subject but I don’t like the fact that my media class from last year was split up. But I am working with Jake and Ruri (I think that’s how you spell his name) and we have a laugh which is pretty good and I think we’ll produce a good piece of coursework together.

I have tutorial to finish my day on a Monday and today it was fairly pointless for me because we were discussing university course but I already know what I want to do – Business Studies.

My college day finished a bit later today because I had a Health Champions meeting discussing what we want to do over the year, but only me and Zoe turned up!

I’ve been a little bit off with Scott tonight without meaning to be – I’ve been so caught up in sorting out my new accounts I have been neglecting him…. I feel really bad, I’m going to have to think of a way of making it up to him and surprising him with something!

I’m looking forward to my timetable tomorrow because I have Business Studies. But I’m really worried about Scott because he has to go to the doctors to sort out his ankle and I know how much he hates going to the doctors and the hospital but I know he’ll be okay!

Love, Stacey xxx