Pretty Regular Day

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Today has been such a long day. I really didn’t want to leave my bed this morning either.

My first lesson was Business Studies – it was a usual lesson, we learnt quite a few new bits and pieces and me, Zoe, Jess and Craig all had quite a laugh through the lesson which made the time go quite quickly.

My last lesson of the day was ICT but I had to wait 4 and a half hours until that started because that was the last period of the day. So now on Thursdays and Fridays (when I also have this massive free) I’ve started taking my laptop to college so I can write some poems, play solitaire and do some college work. Me and Milly played on solitaire for nearly an hour trying to beat my top score, she did it in the end.

When my last lesson finally started I was half asleep, but I did get to walk to it with Zoe and Kirsty, plus Chris walked with us most of the way there, (Zoe and Chris came and spent about 20 minutes at the end of my massive free with me out of the blue which was nice and we had a bit of a laugh). It turned out our ICT workshop was on our lesson today which shortened our usual lesson down to an hour instead of an hour and a half.  It worked out pretty well because it meant I got home half an hour early!

Me and Scott are great, I’m really enjoying being in our relationship right now, there was a point when all we did was argue and it made things so hard but right now we can both enjoy being together because we don’t ever argue which is great! I love how we’re there for each other and I can’t wait to see him in just over 4 weeks. I tried booking the time off I need off from work today but I haven’t had a reply so I’m going to try my other boss.

My day other than that wasn’t pretty exciting – nothing out of the ordinary happened – just a regular day for me.

Love, Stacey xxxx


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